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The AI tool offers real-time behavior segmentation across industries, integrating diverse data sources and leveraging the Personalive� system for personalized insights, with resources available for data scientists.
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predictive modeling
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The AI tool specializes in real-time behavior segmentation across various industries, integrating data from multiple sources for analysis and leveraging the Personalive� system for individual behavior segmentation.


  • Real-Time Behavior Segmentation:

    • Utilizes AI to segment behavior in real-time across diverse industries.
  • Data Integration:

    • Integrates data from social media, mobile, and web activities for comprehensive analysis.
  • Personalive� System:

    • Implements the Personalive� system to segment individuals based on their behavior, enhancing personalization.
  • Applications:

    • Applicable in consumer-facing, omnichannel, ecommerce, real-time activation, campaign strategy, and site selection.
  • Dataset Composition:

    • Dataset includes proximity and geoweb solutions, providing rich insights.
  • Industry Applications:

    • Investigated for applications in various sectors including restaurant, retail, finance, residential and commercial real estate, and advertising.
  • Resources for Data Scientists:

    • Provides resources like the Geosoci Academy, webinars, and documentation for data scientists, aiding in data analysis and interpretation.
Use Cases
  • A campaign approach.
  • Mobile visit segmentation is implemented.
  • e-commerce and omnichannel.
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