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MonkeyLearn is a text analysis application powered by AI, providing pre-built and custom machine learning models, pre-made interfaces, and business templates for streamlined text analytics, including topic categorization, sentiment evaluation, and entity extraction, ensuring efficient insights delivery.
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MonkeyLearn is a text analysis application leveraging artificial intelligence to streamline label visualization for centralized, customized feedback, offering pre-built and custom machine learning models, interfaces for text analysis, and business templates.


  • Pre-built and Custom Models: Provides both pre-built and customizable machine learning models for tailored text analysis.
  • Pre-made Interfaces: Offers pre-made interfaces for text analysis models, simplifying the process for users.
  • Business Templates: Includes business templates to streamline text analytics for specific industries or use cases.
  • Functionalities: Offers functionalities such as topic categorization, sentiment evaluation, and entity extraction for comprehensive text analysis.
  • Data Analysis: Facilitates data analysis without requiring extensive attention from the data team, ensuring efficient insights delivery.
  • Immediate Insights: Delivers immediate insights and visualizations, enhancing decision-making processes.
Use Cases
  • Examine customer feedback to classify topics and determine sentiment.
  • Entity extraction from massive amounts of text data.
  • Text analytics simplification for business intelligence reporting.
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