Mokker AI
Mokker AI
Star 1Star 2Star 3Star 4 offers AI-powered photo editing and marketing solutions, focusing on background replacement and efficient image generation for marketing purposes.
Art Generation
Photo editing
Photo shoot generation
Product image generation
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Description provides AI-powered photo editing and marketing solutions, emphasizing background replacement and efficient generation of product images.


  • Photo Editing Solutions: Offers photo editing and marketing solutions driven by artificial intelligence.
  • Background Replacement: Seamlessly replaces backgrounds of photographs using AI technology.
  • Marketing Photo Sessions: Allows customized photo sessions tailored to marketing objectives.
  • Efficient Image Generation: Streamlines marketing processes by rapidly generating hundreds of product images in minutes.
Use Cases
  • Produce images of products for e-commerce with speed.
  • Developing marketing materials through the use of customized photo sessions.
  • Enhance and edit photographs with efficiency using AI technology.
Is Mokker's AI suitable for product photography?

While maintaining the integrity of your product, our AI will generate an entirely new AI background. Thus, your product can exist in any location conceivable.
Who is the owner of the product images?

You! Full commercial licenses are retained for your photographs. Your input images are utilized by Mokker to generate your results. Additional information is available in our License.How is Mokker operational?

Upload an image of your product. Mokker will provide you with an AI-generated background.
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