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The tool employs AI to assist users in understanding intricate documents, offering features such as content analysis, summarization, and language analysis, with plans for further enhancements.
Data Analysis
Pdf analysis
Image analysis
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The tool is designed to assist users in comprehending complex documents through artificial intelligence.


  • Content Analysis:

    • Users can upload PDFs or images for content analysis, suitable for personal or instructional purposes.
  • Feedback Mechanism:

    • Enables users to provide input to enhance the quality of service.
  • Summarization Capability:

    • Provides functions to summarize lengthy reports for better comprehension.
  • Language Analysis:

    • Capable of analyzing language to identify potential red flag terms in contracts.
  • Future Enhancements:

    • Planned feature to compare analyses of similar documents, enhancing user experience.
Use Cases
  • Conducts legal contract analysis in order to identify potentially hazardous terms, thereby assisting in the evaluation of risks.
  • Performs the function of summarizing extensive reports in order to expedite comprehension and decision-making.
  • Facilitates the training of AI models utilizing annotated data, thereby making a significant contribution to the progress of machine learning.
What is causing the lengthy loading time?
The prolonged processing time of a query or file may be attributable to a variety of factors. This may occur if the file is particularly lengthy or if the query you posed requires our AI to exert a little more effort.
Despite recently upgrading my account, my file remains inaccessible.

During their initial processing of your lengthy file, you may not have possessed the necessary credentials.How secure are my data in MapDeduce?
Indeed, all data is encrypted and stored at rest, and all transmissions between your web browser and our site are also encrypted.
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