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The AI tool enables business owners and coaches to provide round-the-clock support to clients, utilizing AI clones for scalability and enhanced audience connection, thereby improving customer satisfaction.
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The AI tool empowers business owners and coaches to extend their reach and support an unlimited number of customers by leveraging artificial intelligence.


  • 24/7 Availability:

    • Ensures round-the-clock availability by utilizing AI clones, providing constant support and assistance to clients.
  • Scalability:

    • Offers scalability without limitations, allowing for the expansion of services to accommodate growing demands.
  • Seven-Step Training Program:

    • Requires completion of a seven-step training program to generate an AI version of oneself, ensuring accuracy and effectiveness.
  • Team Empowerment:

    • Empowers teams through the use of AI clones, enhancing collaboration and productivity among team members.
  • Increased Familiarity with Audience:

    • Enhances audience familiarity by deploying AI counterparts, fostering stronger connections with clients and followers.
  • Value Provision to Clients:

    • Delivers value to clients through AI-driven assistance, expanding service offerings and improving overall customer satisfaction.
Use Cases
  • Provide community support around the clock.
  • Respond to inquiries posed in a community.
  • Implement an automated email reply system.
Has every Coachvox AI coach undergone training by the individual on whom they are modelled?
Yes. Unless explicitly specified otherwise, every Coachvox AI represents an actual individual. This AI was personally programmed by that individual, who furnished it with their exclusive and copyrighted content to mentor and coach clients in accordance with their expertise and personal taste.
Although there may be unofficial AI counterparts of humans, the possession of a Coachvox AI clone by an individual indicates that said individual has personally trained the clone. As a result, every Coachvox AI is an exceptionally precise and practical embodiment of the renowned entrepreneur, thought leader, or coach that serves as its inspiration.
In advance, what steps should I take to develop my Coachvox AI?
The training procedure is generally uncomplicated and does not necessitate any prior preparation. It will be feasible to finish it inside the training facilities.
Inputting training data—the information that your AI model uses to interact with clients—requires the most effort. Whether or not this requires gathering labor, time, and effort is contingent on the content you already possess.
Your instruction will proceed more efficiently if you maintain organized files. To enable you to locate them on your computer in a ready-to-upload state.
– Your documents contain information that is both plain and concise. Such resources may include FAQ documents, ebooks, course materials devoid of intricate formatting, as well as actionable articles or blogs.
– You simplify content that is complex. For instance, utilizing ChatGPT to process podcast transcripts prior to uploading. Here is instructions on how to accomplish this.
Establishing this as a foundation for formatting training data will guarantee that the AI iteration of the tool performs admirably.Who owns the IP of what I use to train my Coachvox AI avatar?
You own the copyright of your published books and any applicable articles or content that you use to train your AI. All the data you enter into the training rooms remains your intellectual property, you simply grant us permission to use it in your model.
As with any AI system, the copyright of novel content produced by Coachvox AI is owned by Coachvox Limited. We grant you, and only you, the right to use this copyrighted material as you wish, without restriction. If the content produced uses your inputs directly, i.e. your own intellectual creation, you will still own that copyright.
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