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Clevis simplifies AI application development without coding, offering templates, revenue opportunities, and customization options, though it has limited AI model support and requires users to manage a learning curve and credit-based system carefully.
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Clevis is an innovative platform designed to democratize AI application development, catering to users without significant computing expertise. It aims to empower entrepreneurs, small businesses, and creative individuals by providing access to AI application development.


  • No-Code AI App Development:

    • Eliminates the need for coding through pre-built processing stages.
  • Application Templates:

    • Various templates available to initiate the development process.
  • Revenue Generation:

    • Users can monetize applications by selling access to them.
  • API Integration:

    • Enhances application functionality through seamless HTTP calls integration.
  • Task Automation:

    • Schedule application operations for automated task execution.
  • Customization Options:

    • Modify application colors to align with brand identity.
    • Upload personal data for AI processing.


  • User Empowerment:

    • Simplifies AI-powered solution creation for non-technical users.
  • Deployment Acceleration:

    • Reduces time between app conception and launch.
  • Revenue Opportunities:

    • Effective monetization avenues for user creations.
  • Flexibility:

    • Assortment of processing stages for various app functionalities.


  • Limited AI Model Support:

    • Currently supports only a few AI models like ChatGPT and DALL-E.
  • Learning Curve:

    • Users need time to familiarize themselves with the platform despite the absence of coding.
  • Credit-Based System Management:

    • Requires careful cost management due to credit-based system for application runs.
Use Cases
  • A variety of entities, including entrepreneurs, educators, content creators, small enterprises, and non-profits, have adopted Clevis.
  • It provides educational tools and content automation solutions, among other specialized AI applications designed to address industry-specific requirements.
Which applications are possible to develop using Clevis?
Apps developed by our clients include legal text generators, product recommendation algorithms, and autonomous web scrapers.
How do rewards function?
Credits are depleted with each execution of the application. The cost per run of your application is determined by the build stages you select. The cost of each step variety is distinct. Before running your app, the number of credits it consumes will be displayed.How do I construct an app?
Clevis applications are developed through the fusion of a sequence of procedures.
There are three distinct categories of steps: input, processing, and output. Through forms, input steps may capture information from the user. The input may be processed by AI or the information may be enriched with data from APIs. Information can be displayed to the user or emailed via output processes.
You have the option of developing your application from the ground up or using one of our pre-made templates. There are tutorials accessible via the dashboard.
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