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The AI tool integrates with Twitter, enabling users to create and sell merchandise directly, expanding message reach and facilitating immediate monetization of tweets.
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The AI tool enables users to create and sell unique merchandise directly through Twitter integration, expanding message dissemination and facilitating monetization of tweets.


  • Twitter Integration: Facilitates creation and sale of merchandise through users' Twitter accounts.
  • Message Dissemination: Expands reach of intended message beyond Twitter by creating merchandise.
  • Streamlined Installation: Provides a three-step installation process for easy setup.
  • Quality Assurance: Prioritizes delivery of superior quality products and ensures timely provision to customers.
  • Support Services: Offers assistance with printing, pricing, and technical issues to aid users in merchandising endeavors.
  • Immediate Monetization: Allows users to start monetizing tweets immediately upon configuration.
Use Cases
  • Produce and distribute branded merchandise.
  • Generate revenue from your Twitter following.
  • Grow the brand's exposure beyond Twitter.
How do I include a hyperlink to my merchandise store on my Twitter profile?
Enter your Twitter credentials, including your username and password.
Select Profile" from the platform's header.
""Edit Your Profile" can be found in the page's body.
Scroll down to the ""Web"" field and input the complete URL of your merchandise store on the following page. "http" and all other text should be included in the URL. Follow the link and copy the complete URL before pasting it into the "Web" field
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