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AlphaResearch offers a comprehensive investment research platform with features including advanced search, data visualization, document alerts, sentiment analysis, insider transaction analysis, and note-taking support.
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AlphaResearch is an investment research tool offering access to a wide array of global documents and data, assisting both institutional and individual investors in decision-making.


  • Advanced Search Engine: Efficiently locates insights, financial data, market data, news, and analyst estimates.
  • Data Visualization: Presents data in visually comprehensible formats for better analysis.
  • Document Alerts: Alerts users to relevant updates in documents and filings.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Analyzes sentiment to gauge market sentiment.
  • Insider Transaction Analysis: Provides insights into insider transactions for informed decision-making.
  • Note-Taking Support: Enables users to take notes for reference and organization.
Use Cases
  • Investors are enabled to make well-informed investment judgments through the utilization of extensive data access.
  • Executives: Facilitates improved implementation of business strategies by providing insightful analysis.
  • Utilizing research analysts improves research capabilities and saves time.
Which markets are you present in?
At this time, we offer global fundamental data and filings search capabilities for the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
Does your organization provide enterprise pricing?
Indeed, both retail and enterprise clients are supported. We will require enterprise clients to sign commercial contracts and can tailor invoicing to your specifications.Are you allowed to terminate subscription?
For retail clients, it is possible to terminate their subscription through the My Account tab. Please contact your account manager if you are an Enterprise/Corporate client in order to terminate your subscription at the conclusion of the contract.
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