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ADXL AI simplifies and optimizes digital advertising by supporting various platforms, streamlining campaign setup, enhancing performance, and delivering significant cost savings, thereby effectively expanding the customer base.
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ADXL AI is an intelligent application aimed at simplifying and optimizing digital advertising processes through the integration of artificial intelligence.


  • Supported Platforms:

    • Operates on various retail channels including Google Shopping, Amazon Ads, Facebook & Instagram shop ads, TikTok, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
    • Covers popular platforms such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
  • Simplified Campaign Setup:

    • Users specify the product or service to advertise, the target audience, and the desired expenditure amount.
    • ADXL configures and executes advertisements accordingly, eliminating the need for manual intervention.
  • Performance:

    • Excels in developing, managing, and enhancing advertising campaigns over time.
    • Supports advanced features like retargeting, conversion tracking, and event tracking.
  • Benefits:

    • Reduces workload by 80% and advertising expenditures by 30%.
    • Effectively expands the audience and converts prospects into customers.
    • Saves time and money while efficiently growing the customer base.
Use Cases
  • Increasing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.
  • Keep track of the budgets for advertising campaigns.
  • duplicating advertisements that convert.
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